March 30, 2011

Boots on backwards.

(Photo source unknown)
This morning I woke up and it was super sunny outside. I also woke up to a lawn mower….Summer is coming!
I was super excited all morning.  When I was putting on my boots I put one on the wrong foot. I honestly don’t even know how this happened, but really it was just because I was distracted with my excitement!
It made me think of a little girl I babysit who always puts her shoes on the wrong feet. (I make her switch them because I don’t want her to trip) but I got to wondering why kids put their shoes on the wrong feet. Logically of course they would because they don’t really understand the right and left thing yet...but in my head and imagination it’s because they’re so excited just to be!
They don’t have anything NOT to be excited or happy about right?
I want to be like this. I want to be so positive and have a “kid” attitude so I get completely distracted with joy that I put my shoes on the wrong feet…of course I’ll switch them eventually. I wouldn’t want to trip (:

March 29, 2011

This morning...

...Was a sad..sad..sad morning! 
Because I finally ran out of my Christmas blend Starbucks coffee...
This is so sad.
Only eight months till it comes back!
....I cannot wait!

March 28, 2011

Senior Prom

Saturday night was my senior prom. It was tons of fun, and when it was all over it was super emotional (Rachel, Katrina, and I are not ready to get out of high school yet...) momma made my dress. She's amazing! 

March 24, 2011

I struggle..

..with focusing on this.

March 23, 2011

Happy List

Happy list.
Other blogs that I’ve read/follow have happy lists – ten things that make them happy or what they’re thankful for. Honestly, it might sound weird, but I think these happy lists are lovely. On a daily basis I try to make happy lists in my head to stay positive and keep my mind in a relatively good mindset. Sometimes I forget. Sometimes I’m just not in the mood to be (or think about being) thankful or happy. Pretty yuck huh? Well, today it's raining and I'm in a relatively good here's my happy list for the day!

1. Being motivated.
2. A really good episode of Smallville.
3. Orange tic-tacs.
4. Thinking about and praying for my unmet/unborn husband and babies.
5. Sleeping through the night without waking up at all.
6. Brushing my teeth in the shower.
7. The way the world outside smells after it rains.
8. Wearing dresses that twirl. 
9. Listening to my English teacher when she goes off on a rant. 
10. Driving alone and getting to listen to whatever music I want, however loud...and getting to adjust the heat/A.C. to MY temperature. 

March 21, 2011

Caught in the circle of freak outs

Oh my, the title of this little blog entry says it all. This morning I woke up and almost had a panic attack. Or at least I think so. I've never had one, but I'm pretty sure this is what it was. I felt like my head was spinning and my throat felt like it was being squeezed by a python. Right now, I'm caught in the circle of freak outs. The only reason this is so, is because of the fact that I'm graduating in less than THREE months! Count, two, three. What?! Wasn't I just in 8th grade? Seems so. In these next three months there's a lot of senior happenings. Senior prom, picking a senior picture, grad-night, exit interview, and the actual graduation...these aren't too bad, but I think that the biggest thing is moving on. I've never ever liked change. Not in any way, shape, or form. I don't even like the kind that jingles in your pocket or accumulates under couch cushions. I've had this routine that has for sure worked for four years straight. Not even just for Tuesdays and Thursdays, but for how I spend my time on the other days. I like routines. I'm a routine kind of girl. It's probably because I'm a scatterbrain and if I didn't have one, then I'd be lost 24/7.  I know what I'm doing after high school, which is a blessing because some seniors still don't even after they are handed their diploma. I'm going to community college and going to get my AA in business and cosmetology license in two years. After this, I'm done. Forever, for always. No more school. (Unless I change my mind...) I'll just work. Sounds like an okay plan, but it also sounds too easy. That's the root of my little freak out this morning...AFTER high school sounds too easy! Oh well. If it doesn't work out, then it doesn't. If it does then it'll be a miracle.

Ahh, I'm such a girl.

March 18, 2011

Couch date

Today I have a couch date with him..
 ...Starwars, and a big cup of tea.
Fridays are my favorite. 
p.s...I'm ready to be that tan again, summer.

March 15, 2011

Crocodile tears

I'm not really good at crying. In fact, It takes a lot to make me do so. Last night I got in bed only to get back out about an hour later and lay on the floor and stretch. My mind was going faster than a cheetah. What was weird about this is that I was thinking nothing out of the ordinary. Just normal and everyday thoughts. Maybe it's because I'm a girl and sometimes super emotional, but I felt the need to cry. I mean like a real cry...big crocodile tears and everything. I thought that if I could actually cry I might end up like Alice and crying a whole entire ocean, and then I could tie together my sheets to make a sail and drift away. They never came. Crying always makes me feel better when I can, but last night the tears never came. They wouldn't come which I guess is a good thing...but my chest feels heavy and my body still feels on edge. 
Heavy hearts, like heavy clouds in the sky, are best relieved by the letting of a little water.  ~Antoine Rivarol.

I want to feel relieved.

March 14, 2011

Monday, Funday.

I think, that if I actually had followers on this little blog I'd start it with a "Hello, lovelies!" but I only have four, so maybe I'll start it off with a Happy Monday!
What? A good Monday? What are the odds? Last night I put myself to bed at 8:30 P.M and got a great night of sleep. This is starting to become a regular occurrence, and I absolutely love it. There are no dark circles under my eyes and my body feels great! Plus, today it's muggy and humid...not great, but for once it's cloudy and I'm not freezing my little and non-existent booty off. It's also starting to look like spring...

This is exciting. I've been cold for almost five months strait. Hello almost Summer!

March 13, 2011

Lovely words?

Sometimes I really like to listen. Not just when someone is talking to me, but listening to things around me. Kind of like people watching with my ears. I do this a lot actually, but sometimes the things I hear are super irking. Since when is it the “in” thing for people to be insanely vulgar and disgusting? Especially young ladies! Schwhatt? Maybe it’s just how I was raised, but I really don’t think it’s attractive for a young woman to cuss, talk about nasty personal issues, or throw out “that’s what she said” jokes every other sentence like word vomit. I’m not really a fan of super crude humor and find myself actually offended when I’m surrounded by it. One thing that’s super hard for me is speaking up. If I was brave then I’d spew my thoughts on this subject at sed-perfect moment. I think these young women should try to be and speak like princesses! I want to be a young woman who speaks lovely and God honoring words. Keep me accountable?

May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer. -  Psalm 19:14.

March 12, 2011


Today is my Mommy’s birthday! I am so thankful for her and who she is. She has always been there for me, my siblings, and my Dad. She is the MOST selfless women I know. I wouldn’t be half the person I am today without her leading and guiding me with her amazing wisdom. Happy Birthday, Momma! I love you so much.

March 11, 2011

Yellow light.

 My life occupies very little suspense. The only time it ever really does is when I’m watching a scary movie (which I don’t really like to do), I’m on a rollercoaster….and when I’m going through a yellow light! I don’t think that’s normal. My life definitely needs some more thrill and excitement if I find myself with sweaty palms and a racing heart as I pass through the intersection on a yellow. Pathetic!

March 10, 2011

A monster

We have just recently read a piece of the story Frankenstein in my British Literature text book. For some reason I really liked it. However, it did bum me out. I think it’s because sometimes, I majorly feel like the Frankenstein monster. Sure…I’m not eight feet tall, have stitches on my forehead, metal things sticking out of my neck, and I’m usually not green (except when I’m car sick, but that doesn't count.) Lately I do feel unusually lonely and maybe a little repulsive. I know these aren’t very accurate feelings, but they do keep popping up. Every time they do, I try to oust Satan’s lies with this: “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” - Matthew 28: 20
 I think this is neat. Even when I feel intensely lonely and repulsive I am not alone despite my gross attitude, yucky heart, sinful ways, and even my bad hair days.