March 21, 2011

Caught in the circle of freak outs

Oh my, the title of this little blog entry says it all. This morning I woke up and almost had a panic attack. Or at least I think so. I've never had one, but I'm pretty sure this is what it was. I felt like my head was spinning and my throat felt like it was being squeezed by a python. Right now, I'm caught in the circle of freak outs. The only reason this is so, is because of the fact that I'm graduating in less than THREE months! Count, two, three. What?! Wasn't I just in 8th grade? Seems so. In these next three months there's a lot of senior happenings. Senior prom, picking a senior picture, grad-night, exit interview, and the actual graduation...these aren't too bad, but I think that the biggest thing is moving on. I've never ever liked change. Not in any way, shape, or form. I don't even like the kind that jingles in your pocket or accumulates under couch cushions. I've had this routine that has for sure worked for four years straight. Not even just for Tuesdays and Thursdays, but for how I spend my time on the other days. I like routines. I'm a routine kind of girl. It's probably because I'm a scatterbrain and if I didn't have one, then I'd be lost 24/7.  I know what I'm doing after high school, which is a blessing because some seniors still don't even after they are handed their diploma. I'm going to community college and going to get my AA in business and cosmetology license in two years. After this, I'm done. Forever, for always. No more school. (Unless I change my mind...) I'll just work. Sounds like an okay plan, but it also sounds too easy. That's the root of my little freak out this morning...AFTER high school sounds too easy! Oh well. If it doesn't work out, then it doesn't. If it does then it'll be a miracle.

Ahh, I'm such a girl.

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