November 30, 2011

Day 28, 29, 30.

Day 28 - I am thankful for God given talents.
Day 29 - I am thankful for good friends.
Day 30 - I am thankful for a day with no school that I was able to sleep in on.

Here comes December! I'm ready (:

November 27, 2011

Day 26 and 27.

Day 26 - I'm thankful for the fact that I'm comfortable with my boyfriend, and that we can sing together. I think he sings like an angel...and he makes my heart flutter sometimes...

Day 27 - I'm thankful for Christmas decorations. They make my heart happy, and my soul smile!

November 25, 2011

Day 25

Today I'm thankful for my oldest sister Amanda.  It's her birthday, and she's old. Okay, just twenty-three, but I swear earlier I saw a grey hair...
I'm thankful that she's old an wise and that she is a good example to me. 
I'm thankful that she thinks I'm funny when other people don't ;)
I'm thankful that she is my sister and always will be.

November 24, 2011

Day 24

Heavenly Father,
Thank you for all you have done, especially for the gift of Jesus, you're only son.
I want to praise and honor you! Thank you for being with me always and loving me with an insane eternal love.
I am thankful for that fact that you have connected me with lives in a way that honors you and shows how much you love each of us.
Thank you for the love you provide to us through one another.
Thank you for all you have sacrificed for us through your son.
Thank you for making the ultimate sacrifice for our sins.
Thank you for your forgiveness when we make mistakes.
Thank you for your strength when I have none.
Thank you for providing more love to me than I deserve.
Please help me to glorify your name, now and forever.

be thankful and say so to HIM! 
Psalm 100:4

November 23, 2011

Day 23.

Today I'm thankful for my Grandparents. 
I'm thankful that we are at their house this year and it's different. 
I'm thankful for my Grandpa and how he sat on the bed with us girls last night, doing things with us and our computers and telling us a few stories.
I'm thankful for my Grandma who is already baking for tomorrow, and has already shoved cookies down all of our throats...and yes they were delicious. 
I'm thankful that they decorated their house all fall-ish, and that they have a place for all 11 of us to sleep! 
Happy Thanksgiving eve! (:

November 22, 2011

Day 22.

Today I'm thankful for green smoothies that are made in 3.5 seconds, and leaving for Thanksgiving! 

November 21, 2011

Day 19, 20, 21.

Day 19 - Sleeping in on a nice Saturday!!
Day 20 - The ability to cut hair, and seeing Maxwell Morgan!
Day 21 - Getting a few extra hours to sleep before school.

November 18, 2011

Day 18 - Stephen Andrew Miller!

A long time ago I started crushing like mad on a boy.  He was funny, and loud, and weird. Kind of like someone else I know. What?
Well. This boy won my heart, and is now my boyfriend. I’m thankful for him. I’m thankful that he has a funny sense of humor, that he sings like an angel to me, that he loves Jesus, that he takes me on breakfast dates, that he holds my hand, that he respects me, that he likes me too!

 I like you, Stevie Wonderful!! Happy Birthday, love!! 

Day 17.

I'm thankful for crazy fun, crazy good movie premieres, with crazy great people! 

November 16, 2011

Day 16!

Today I'm extremely thankful for beautiful fall days.
Bright blue skies, dark pretty leaves, tights, boots, and sweaters. 
Fall, you are my favorite season ever. 
You're beautiful and it's easy to be romanced by Jesus on such an amazing day. 
College campus

November 15, 2011

Day 14 and Day 15

Day 14 - Yesterday I was thankful for super shot visits with my boy!

Day 15- Today I'm thankful for this prayer...

November 13, 2011

Day 13. Happy one month birthday baby boy!

Yurtle Clive Shelton Mann is now one month old today!
I cannot believe it. 
I'm thankful that I was able to keep him alive this long and that I'm still learning how to be his momma.
He's developed a feisty little personality (snaps when he's hungry, never bitten anyone though) and absolutely loves to all the time.
I've taught him two tricks.
One is when I shake his food, his little paws go crazy and he gets super excited because he knows he's going to be fed. 
Two, is when he's just floating looking up at me I go under so he can't see me, then he goes under to look at me. If I pop up, then so does he. It's adorable.
Yurtle Clive Shelton, you have my heart!! 

P.s. i realize that these posts are a little crazy, but they're pretty genuine ;) I'm pretty sure when I have a real human baby, it's going to be 100+
 times worse!!

November 12, 2011

Day 11 and 12.

Day 11 - The Lanes! And little moments babysitting like when I'm laying on the floor putting together a train track and Jacob comes and sits on my back, says "wuvv you!" and asks for a kiss. 

Day 12 - Mom hugs. 


November 10, 2011

Day 10 red books and cleanliness

Today I'm thankful for three red books that sit by my bed (not planned to be the same color) my Bible, my prayer journal, and a book my parents gave me for graduation. 
All three of those red books are helping shape my heart and soul into the woman I want to be through Christ. 

I'm also thankful for the fact that I know how to clean a house, a room, a closet, a bathroom a turtle tank, myself, etc...I'm a big fan of hygiene...I'm thankful that my parents taught me to be!

November 09, 2011

Day 8 and 9...

I gotta get better at this...

Day 8 - Good friends who you can laugh with, sing with, cry with, pray with, and talk about anything and everything with...specifically Katrina.

Day 9 - For the truth of these lyrics!

November 07, 2011

Day 7.

Today I wasn't thankful for much...
I woke up tired, didn't have time to make myself coffee, found a ton of toothpaste in my hair, had to hand write something in pen and kept messing up, have a whole lot of math homework, my toes are cold, my hands are numb, my head is pounding....
But I'm thankful for the fifteen minutes I got to be alone in my house today. It was quiet. It was just me. It was peaceful and just what I needed.
I could have gone for a few more...but I'm thankful for the ones I got!

November 06, 2011

Day 6, a plethora!

Today I am thankful for SO many things. Bottom line, I'm thankful for today!

#1. For a mommy who stayed home from church and while at home made all six of us (plus boyfriends and friends) a huge pot of beef stew that was amazing! She also made me coffee this morning which I'm thankful for!

#2. My siblings and daddy, I love them. I love laughing with them and being weird with them. I wouldn't be the same person without them in my life, and I sure as heck would be bored more than 100% of the time.

#3. A boyfriend who is so much fun, who I get along with (most of the time (; ... ), who I can be silly with, who I can make weird food for and he'll eat it, who sings like an angel in church and also Christmas songs quietly in my ear, who is patient and holds my hand with me in Target while I'm trying to find a new lipstick color, and who helps me with math homework. 

#4. Rain, a fire in the fireplace, sweats, slippers, my hipster glasses, two pairs of socks, and soft blankets.

#5. Big bug rings from my Grandma, and super sparkly nail-polish...being a girly girl. 


November 05, 2011

Day 5.

Today I'm thankful for this. 
That God's grace and mercies are new each and ever morning.
That He has let me wake up every day for the past eighteen years.
That when I wake up I know I have a new start and a brand new day to do things differently.
To know that if when I blow it again, I'll have the same chance tomorrow.

Lamentations 3:23
It is new every morning. His faithfulness is great.

November 04, 2011

Day 3 and 4.

Day 3 - (It's super hard to blog on Thursdays, they're my crazy busy days. Ill try to get better at it though) Yesterday, I was extremely thankful for fall weather. It was cold and windy and rainy and the sky was super dark. I was wearing tights, two pairs of socks, boots, a dress, and a huge jacket and I was STILL cold.
I'm thankful that it feels like fall and that the world is getting extra beautiful with this appropriate weather.

Day 4 - This morning I slept in almost until 11. I haven't been able to do this for a while and it was wonderful.  I'm thankful for my queen sized bed, my eight blankets, my five pillows, my super soft sheets, and my ability to sleep in coming back to me. I don't know if it's the fact that I've been sleeping way under eight hours these days, or the fact that it gets darker way sooner, but I'm amount of coffee will do it for me anymore. I think maybe I've built up a tolerance? Who knows. I'm just glad I got to sleep!

November 02, 2011

Day 2.

Today, I had a small window of time with NOTHING to do. I absolutely was not in the mood to watch TV, so I picked up my guitar. 
I haven't played for a loooong time, but I was shocked at easy it was for me to remember certain chords.
Recently I've crossed two big items off of my bucket list.
Skydive when I turn 18, and own a turtle and name him Yurtle. 
I'm working on the next one to cross off....
Become pro at guitar! 
I obviously can't be a professional, but I want to be able to pick it up and play any song I want to.
So today, I'm thankful for the random inspiration to pick up my guitar and go at it. 
My fingers are sore and my wrist hurts, but I'm excited to cross off a third item on my list.

November 01, 2011

30 days of thankfulness. Day 1.

I'm doing this.
Today, day 1, I'm thankful for my baby boy Yurtle. 
He's growing so fast, and already way bigger than he was when I first got him.
I haven't succeeded in teaching him to come when I call him yet, but I have taught him that when I shake his food in front of the tank and say "Yurrrrtle" (in unavoidable baby talk) that it's time to eat! 
He's precious and has my heart. 
I'm thankful that he is all mine.