October 30, 2011


Well, I can officially cross "skydiving when I turn eighteen" off my bucket list!
This has been number one on my list for a few years now, and it feels amazing to cross it off!
From the moment I opened my eyes, up until the second I jumped out of that plane today I was chill, calm, had no nerves, and was just READY!
And let me tell you, it was the most amazing thing I've ever done.
You wouldn't believe how thrilling and exciting it is.
The entire experience was perfect.
I jumped with my sweetheart and big brother (not actually related to me) Spencer, and we had a huge group of amazing family and friends supporting us on the ground.
We were in group eight (the very last group to jump of the day) and there was only one other guy with us. First out, and super nice. 
My instructor was from Australia and incredibly nice and was pumping us up from the beginning. Because we were the last group of the day we got to sit and watch the first seven groups jump and land. One of the most amazing parts is the camera men and women. They pull their shoots way after you to get to the ground fast to film you coming in to land. They glide in SO fast and land SO gracefully. While we were watching everyone land, there was this super tall and funny camera guy in a flame jumpsuit. He was hilarious and pumping the people he was assigned to jump with up an insane amount. The whole time people were saying "Becca! I hope you get flame on, or flame pants, or hot pants..." Yeah, we gave him a lot of nicknames. I thought "Na, I can't get a great instructor AND an amazing camera man." Guess what? I did. He called my name super loud and I got so excited. He immediately started joking with me and pumping me more up than I already was.
I wanted to be the first one out of the plane, but got in first so of COURSE I was the last out!  
(If at first you don't succeed, you probably shouldn't be skydiving..." Written inside our airplane. Cute!) 
Everyone keeps asking "How would you do that if you're scared of heights?" 
WELL, you actually have zero perception of how high you are! You get up there and can't even think because of how beautiful everything is. 
My toes got to the edge and I did it...I just jumped!
We went head first and it was insane. 
I literally felt like I was invincible.
 70 seconds of free falling. 15,000 feet. Highest tandem jump in California. 
I did it.
You don't think "Uh oh, why are we STILL falling? Will the chute open? What if I'm going to end up a pancake? Brr, it's freezing! My ears wont stop popping..."
Not even one of those came to mind once I was falling. 
It was beautiful, and bright, and a blast.
My Camera man was entertaining me by playing the big flirt.
He flirted with me on the ground, in the plane, then in the sky, and then on the ground again. He blew me a thousand kisses and even got close and puckered in the air! (I'm sure my face was as bright as the big S on my shirt...P.S. we got ten dollars off for wearing a costume.)
Once the chute was pulled, the camera man kept spinning down and it was just Andy (my instructor) and I and a whole lot of sky.
It's super windy and loud when you're falling, but once that chute opens and you're gliding it is the quietest and most peaceful thing I've ever experienced. I got to steer the chute by holding onto the big yellow handles...
Andy (in his cute Aussie accent): "Would you like to steer the chute?"
Me: "Yes!"
Andy: "Okay, take these in both hands, if you want to do some crazy spins, pull down on the left and go up with the right..."
Me: "OKAY." 
Instantly we were spinning. So much fun.
Then we floated and chilled for a few more seconds and then landed. Just like that it was over. Did I really just jump out of a plane?
Yes, yes I did.
Question: Why jump out of a perfectly good airplane?
Answer: If you haven't done it, you wouldn't know!
It was the best time I've had yet. 
I loved it. I will do it again, and cannot wait.
(Flirty camera man holding my hand)
The group.

October 29, 2011

Oh that pinterest...

Yes, it's 1:45... A.M....

Yes, Candace, Amanda, and I are all lined up on three beds in one room.

Yes, we're all on our laptops.

Yes, I have about six tabs open........

Yes, one of those is my pinterest.

At first, I thought Pinterest was just stupid. "Why in the world would you want to waste time just looking at pictures?"

UM, probably because it's the most amazing thing in the whole entire world? Yes, yes...I believe so.

I've always been a dreamer. 
A big dreamer at that.
Sometimes, I dream so big, that my let down's feel like an explosion in my chest. 

people get way down on me and my dreaming

and I feel like I shouldn't be a dreamer or optimistic about life at all.

All the time, I ignore them.


I don't really have any time to dream.
I'm busy, I'm tired, I'm working, I'm reading, I'm homeworking, I'm sleeping, I'm at school, I'm singing, I'm playing my piano, I'm worshiping...who knows, but I'm not just sitting doing absolutely nothing...

When I do get two seconds when there's nothing on my agenda, I'm either just being still and quiet in the presence of the Lord, or..

I'm on my laptop.

I'm almost convinced I should just set Pinterest as my homepage. 
I love it.
I love seeing pretty pictures...
I love dreaming about what my life could become.

I love pinterest in general.

I am a dreamer, and Pinterest is feeding that fire.
Maybe it's a good thing, maybe it's not...
I like to dream. I like being optimistic. 

The end,

October 27, 2011

Thursay thought.

“…I’d rather help than watch. I’d rather have a heart than a mind. I’d rather expose too much than too little. I’d rather say hello to strangers than be afraid of them. I would rather know all this about myself than have more money than I need. I’d rather have something to love than a way to impress you”.
-Po Bronson

October 24, 2011

Birthday weekend.

This past weekend was my 18th birthday weekend, and it was just what I wanted.
Super slow pace and chill! 
It was filled with laughter, Christmas coffee, pumpkin spice and peppermint mocha creamer, pumpkin carving, pumpkin seed roasting, cinnamon bun pancakes, pumpkin muffins, hugs, kisses, naps, big burritos, and great gifts. 
I kind of like Diet Coke...a little...
Thank you Lane family for the most shocking/amazing gift ever!

October 22, 2011

I'm restless until I rest in Him.

Sometimes when my heart is anxious and restless, all it takes to reverse it is an early morning walk with Jesus.
With the freezing air, frost on the grass, the sun that just came up over the mountains, the amazing colored autumn leaves on the trees and crunching under my feet, and early morning birds singing like crazy, it's easy to see that He is walking right next me.
In the craziness of life, sometimes I forget that He is always walking with me...
I get distracted, selfish, and just plain gross-hearted which instantly leads to restlessness in my soul.
I'm restless until I rest in Him.

Psalm 62:1-2
“My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.”

Exodus 33:14
“My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”

October 20, 2011

Happy one week, Yurtle!

Dear baby Yurtle, 
I can NOT believe you are already a week old. 
You are growing so fast, and I love you so much.
I love how your little paws (claws, whateve) go crazy on the glass when I feed you. 
I think it's cute how you're so spaztic...like your momma. 
I like that you like the back left corner of your tank..(I'd hang out there too.)
I love that you swim and eat like a champ! 
I love how you cuddle under my hand when we have towel time. 
In general, I just love you!
Time is flying and I wish you would stay this little always, however I know you'll get a little bigger and I'll love you all the same!
With my WHOLE heart,

October 15, 2011

Today, I'm thankful for..

1. My baby sleeping a full 8+ hours last night and eating like a champion.
2. My body letting me sleep in. 
3. Having long hair.
4. Extra lazy Saturday mornings with coffee.
5. Parents who have made pancakes for our family every Saturday morning since I can remember.
6. That my God is bigger than any problem I can face.
7. When my house is filled with people and it's so loud I can't think.
8. October, November, December.
9. Boots and Scarfs.
10. Holiday commercials.

October 13, 2011

He's here!

For nine months two years, I've been waiting for my baby turtle.
I've wanted one for so long.
For the past few weeks I've been preparing for him: buying things I need and setting up his nursery tank.
Well, after waiting and waiting, he's finally here!!
Welcome to the my world, Yurtle Clive Shelton Mann!
You are SO tiny and precious. 
Please don't grow up too quickly.
I have so much love in my heart for this little guy that I just met.
His tiny life in my hands is stressful, and I'm sure there will be a few sleepless nights, but I'm so overjoyed! 
I love you, my cute and little swimmer!
XO - mommy!

October 11, 2011

Happy birthday, Shameleo.

Happy 14th Birthday Mattman!
You're my favorite brother. 
I love you (:

October 10, 2011

Right here.

Sometimes I  go days on end without blogging from lack of having nothing charming, witty, or important to share.
From result of feeling sucked dry. Completely drained. Emotionally. Physically. Spiritually.
No happy lists come to mind on these days, I can't find my happy heart, or thankful attitude.
But one thing that keeps me from hiding under my covers all day, is the fact that Jesus meets me right where I am. I don't have to move at all. I don't have to try to clean up my mess before I go to him. He likes me just how I am. Right...and He doesn't just love me, he likes me. Nothing could be better than that.


October 05, 2011

Golden leaves looked brown to me, the world had less color without you.

It's not November,
but today I'm thankful for him.
He makes my heart happy.

October 04, 2011

Tuesday morning happy list.

1. Waking up at three in the morning and listening to the rain.
2. Listening to Beyonce and dancing in the bahtroom.
3. Knowing soon I'll have a brother-in-law.
4. Not forgetting to take my vitamins.
5. Introverted time to myself!
6. Listening to a new song you fall in love with over and over...and over again! (Jason Walker - Echo)
7.  All the fall pictures on pinterest.
8. Knowing that after today, my school week will be half over.
9. The anticipation for getting my turtle. I get to order him so soon!
10. Sweaters and boots.

October 03, 2011

A monday thought.

Today I was thinking how excited I am that it's October. 
It's by far one of the best months.
Today was perfect, because it was cold and rainy, which is definitely my ideal weather.
Plus, it's the birthday month. I'm pretty sure I actually know someone with a birthday for every day in October.
Then, I was thinking about how one time, Jesus had a birthday...just for me, and how happy I am that he did.
Kind of nuts when you really think about it and let it hit you.
Anyways..just a Monday thought.