Lots of other blogs I read have been going through a "Ten years ago..." fad. I might as well join them for today. My brain is dried up like a well and I cannot think of any other thoughts to spew.
10 Years Ago...
I was seven. Weird.
5 things on my to do list...
I have a lot of things to do in the next month. The FIRST five are: To NOT bomb my senior exit interview, survive Grad-night, graduate high school, pick a car, and buy my instax mini 7S instant!
5 shows I enjoy...
Number one these days is Vampire Diaries...it's fantastic. Parenthood. That's all I really watch these days...don't have a ton of time to waste on TV. Although I always make time for shark week.
5 favorite things...
1. The color peach.
2. The boyfriend.
3. Pretty dresses and tights.
4. Napping.
5. My bed.
5 places I have lived...
I've lived in the same spot my whole entire life.
5 things most people don't know about me...
1. I like to be alone sometimes, but it seldom happens.
2. I don't really like scary movies. At all. I see no point to them. Sometimes they're okay, if there's a hand to squeeze.
3. I like commercials. A lot.
4. I could watch live sports every single day of my life, but can only watch football on TV.
5. I'm scared of growing up. I know I can, but the thought of it makes me super anxious.