April 30, 2011

little letters

Dear green tea,
I had no idea you did all this! I love you even more now.

Dear eyes,
I wish you could see without contacts or glasses...and I wish you would stop getting worse!

Dear body,
Sorry for all this hard exercise 7 days a week.

Dear apples,
You are the best thing in the world.

Dear boyfriend,
You are so sweet! I like you.

Dear bed,
Thanks for sometimes being the greatest thing in the world.

April 28, 2011


Today was my 18th day, of my third week, of P90x. It's hard to make time for it and get up early but I've been doing it! Today was yoga...but I'm not gonna lie, when I got out of bed I had way more energy than usual and skipped my yoga to do Kenpo X. It's definitely by far my favorite. So much so, that it's made me want to take a kickboxing class. Maybe I'll put it on my bucket list. Happy Thursday!

April 27, 2011

Happy List

1. The color peach.
2. Thursdays.
3. Tanning.
4. Kitty snuggles.
5. Dried apricots.
6. Getting things done.
7. My Mema. Her stories, cooking and random songs she busts into. 
8. Big blue eyes.
9. Surprising, but not surprises.
10. Driving Truck-Norris with his windows rolled down. 
11. Camping!
12. An amazing sale.
13. My family.
14. Holidays.
15. Straight teeth.

April 26, 2011

The fad.

Lots of other blogs I read have been going through a "Ten years ago..." fad. I might as well join them for today. My brain is dried up like a well and I cannot think of any other thoughts to spew.

10 Years Ago...
I was seven. Weird.

5 things on my to do list...
I have a lot of things to do in the next month. The FIRST five are: To NOT bomb my senior exit interview, survive Grad-night, graduate high school, pick a car, and buy my instax mini 7S instant!

5 shows I enjoy...
Number one these days is Vampire Diaries...it's fantastic. Parenthood. That's all I really watch these days...don't have a ton of time to waste on TV. Although I always make time for shark week.

5 favorite things...
1. The color peach.
2. The boyfriend.
3. Pretty dresses and tights.
4. Napping.
5. My bed.

5 places I have lived...
I've lived in the same spot my whole entire life.

5 things most people don't know about me...
1. I like to be alone sometimes, but it seldom happens. 
2. I don't really like scary movies. At all. I see no point to them. Sometimes they're okay, if there's a hand to squeeze. 
3. I like commercials. A lot.
4. I could watch live sports every single day of my life, but can only watch football on TV.
5. I'm scared of growing up. I know I can, but the thought of it makes me super anxious.

April 25, 2011

Blogging from bed

I think I'm finally getting that winter cold...too bad it's spring.
I feel all yucky and worn out. 
The worst part is, I'm dying for summer.
All I want to do is swim, tan, nap, work-out, build a house, use my little Spanish, wake board, and not wear two pairs of socks.
Speaking of swimming...I so desperately want to do this before I die. Ooor...like now! 

April 24, 2011


Well, Happy Easter.
Today is a great day. 
He is risen! He is risen!
Have a beautiful Sunday. 

April 21, 2011


To do crazy good make-up and hair like this!
So sick! Have a beautiful Thursday.

April 19, 2011


I've struggled with body image my whole life.  I've never been happy with how I look.  I was looking for a picture online the other day and came across a picture with words all over it.  It was on a day when I for sure didn't feel the greatest about myself, and Satan decided to totally creep in and attack my head .  Worse part is, he pretty much always wins here.  The picture read "If you eat, you'll never be skinny like her.  You'll be and get fat.  No one will remember you as the thin and pretty girl.  You're clothes are gonna get too small.  No guy will ever want you.  That dress will look horrible on you.  You'll always look like a whale.  You can never dance.  You'll be ugly.  Forever."
I mean what? Who would even write that? The worse part is me thinking "Oh yeah, totally" and having the completely feeling of defeat and worthlessness wash over me in seconds.  My good mood went away instantly.  I was discontent in an instant.  So not fair.  I don't want to care about my outward appearance.  I just want a beautiful heart. I've learned to at least try to block out these lies when they come my way with one simple verse. 

The King is enthralled by your beauty. – Psalm 45:11
Um what?  The most opinion ever is enthralled by my beauty?  Crazy!  I don't have to be insecure.  I have one life and one body that works and functions completely normally.  I'm lucky.  It's not okay for me to complain or even be dissatisfied.  My heavenly father, precious Jesus, is enthralled by MY beauty.  That's all that matters. 

April 18, 2011

Wishes and happy list

I wish...

I wish I could live in this house!

 And take a nap there. 

A happy list...

1. The smell of spring.
2. Knowing it's going to rain.
3. The crunchy sound while eating an apple.
4. Movie marathons.
5. Handwritten love letters.
6. Pretty eyelashes and collarbones.
7. A really good workout.
8. Hearing lawnmowers and sprinklers, knowing that summer is coming.
9. An amazing sale.
10. Pretty collarbones and eyelashes.

April 17, 2011


...He bought the tank of gas, and I bought the Jamba juice and we adventured. Nothing big. Nothing insane. Just a pretty drive with country music. 

He's a keeper.

April 16, 2011

I've mastered

This. Ohhh happy day!

April 14, 2011

Thursday wishes

Well I did it. I woke up at 5:30 this morning to do about an hour and a half worth of yoga. I've never liked waking up early. Ever. If I could (even though it would be a tremendous waste of my day) I'd sleep in until noon as ofter as I could. I used to all the time, but now it's only on Saturday's...rarely. Well when my alarm clock went off it was SO hard to drag my little butt out of bed. I did it though! 

However, I so wish I could just do nothing all day long.
Like lay in my bed for hours. 
Or cuddle on a porch swing. 
Or do this all my by myself!

...But I cannot. Oh well, have a happy Thursday!

April 13, 2011

Ballerina Becc

When I was little I did ballet for two years. On days like this when I stub my toes, run into walls, and have complete klutz moments I wish I had never stopped. I could be lovely, and graceful. Two very foreign things to me. 
Even my feet would be pretty...
And I could wear huge pink tutu's.

Maybe one day I'll try it again. Who knows.

April 12, 2011

Big shirts and Daddy

Someone has taken (or I've just lost) one of my big and favorite t-shirts I sleep in (along with most of my socks! What? Laundry thief for sure.) It smelled good and was one of the biggest I had. Last night I went into my parents room and got one of my Daddy's shirts out of his drawer. I put it on and was instantly reminded of my childhood. If a childhood could be defined by a smell mine would be defined by three: My dad, my mom, and Christmas time. The shirt wasn't as big as I remembered. I haven't slept in one of my dad's shirts since I was probably 12. It no longer went down to my knees, and the sleeves weren't super long anymore. Sure I still swam in it, but not like I used to. I'm not a kiddo anymore...not in the small way anyways. 

This popped into my head.  
John 1:12 - Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.  

Just because I'm not as small as I was when I was twelve, doesn't mean I'm not my fathers child, or a child of God.

April 10, 2011


Tomorrow morning at 5:45 A.M. I'm beginning my P90X journey. Seven days a week...until July 9th, 2011!
My dad keeps saying "You can't do it. You won't be able to do 90 days. Everyone says it's too hard."
Well...people telling me I cannot do it, is a HUGE motivator. 
Maybe I can only do it 30 days...maybe I'll end up dying...or maybe I'll prove him wrong!
I'm excited. However, I don't have the time to do this in the day after doing everything I do on a daily basis....so I've decided to start getting up early. Like 5:45 early. Sure this might not be as early as other people get up but for me it's HARD and super not exciting. I love sleep...and my bed. Oh well. I'm ready! 

April 09, 2011

Terribly happy

Well my favorite person, ever in the world (Colin, sisters beau) texted me last night around 1 A.M....(yes I was still awake) and told me I had a present downstairs on the counter. I was already in my bed, and I'm the kind of person that once I'm in...I'm in it for the night, so I told him I'd open it in the morning. Well this morning when I went downstairs I saw the package on the kitchen counter and opened it. Guess what it was? Yes, you're right. Starbucks Christmas blend coffee! I can't even begin to describe how happy I am. Kinda pathetic to be so excited about a certain blend of coffee, but if you've had it, I'm sure you're jumping up and down with me. Well this little surprise of immense joy has inspired one of my happy lists. So here's ten things that make me terribly happy, hopefully you'll do the same on this now beautiful Saturday. 

1. Christmas Coffee in April (duh).
2. A good long nap on Sunday…with drool involved! 
3. Cute little kid voices.
4. Straight, white teeth.
5. When people play with my hair.
6. Long walks when it's hot outside. 
7. Not wearing make-up.
8. Sweet and stolen kisses.
9. An amazing sale.
10. Country music.