February 27, 2013

Bad eyes.

When I was seven years old I started taking piano lessons. I loved it. However, I couldn't see a single note on the music just a foot or two away from my eyes. They were just little black blurs on fuzzy lines. Because of this, I got into the terrible habit of not using my eyes, but playing music by my ear instead. Eventually, when I HAD to read my music, my teacher started to notice that I was squinting. I knew I needed glasses but didn't want to admit it, because my seven year old brain thought glasses were for grandmas, moms, or "weirdos". Long story short, I went to the eye doctor...and after lots of "look right at my light, my ear, that vent..." and lots of "HOOOOLY...is he trying to get close enough to kiss me?!" it was for sure a fact that I needed glasses. I ended up choosing the pinkest, BIGGEST, and nerdiest glasses a kid could possibly pick. I mean, I was seven...oh well. Since then, my eyes have gotten progressively worse and worse. I'm literally the girl who would be on the ground feeling around with my hands if my glasses got knocked off my face. I am "legally blind" which basically if I was to drive without glasses or contacts...I'd for sure rear end you. Having bad eyesight has always been a difficult thing. Having to deal with glasses and contacts for 12 years of my life has gotten tiring. However, because I have Jesus in my heart and mind...I try to search for Him everywhere. I try to pray without ceasing (which for sure isn't always the case) but one thing i've tried doing differently this year is giving my "bad eyes" to Jesus. When I take the few seconds it takes to put in my contacts or put on my glasses I make sure to as Him if He will help guide me to see how He sees.
"Help me to see others how you see it. Help me to see Salinas how you see it. Help me to see myself how you see me. Help me to see the world how you see it. Help me to see 6:00 AM like you see it. Help me to see the sandpaper people in my life how you see them."
Despite my REAL bad eyes, and my spiritual bad eyes, I like to think that Jesus looks forward to these questions every morning...even though they don't change, because I allow Him to remind me throughout the day when I'm not using my eyes how He would use them.

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