December 17, 2012

the fam-bam

I realize Thanksgiving is over, and Christmas is literally just about to peek it's head around the corner and scream "Surprise! I'm here!" but that doesn't mean my thankful heart has gone anywhere. 
Today, I'm thankful for my family. I'm thankful that we are all imperfect. That we all yell, get mad, bug each other, laugh with each other, and love each other. I'm thankful for my two older sisters who are beautiful and have taught me countless things in life. I'm thankful for my brother who challenges me every day in many ways and his kind, accepting heart. I'm thankful for my parents who have raised us all to love the Lord in an unforced way. I'm thankful for their bed that we have sat around countless nights until early hours of the morning either laughing, crying, fighting, yelling, etc...(actually all of those seem to happen at the same time).
I'm glad I have them, because I really don't think I'd want anyone else.

December 09, 2012

It's the little things.

"Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you'll look back and realize they were the big things."
It's the little things like...

1. Faces with laugh lines.
2. Watching movies. Specifically the Grinch, and quoting it the whole time.
3. Trying to eat with chopsticks.
4. The perfect shower temperature.
5. Getting the lid off a jar no one else could...even though everyone else "loosened it for me"...whatever!
6. Perfectly separating an Oreo.
7. The short moment of silence when I'm driving under an overpass when it's raining.
8. When someone saves me a seat.
9. When a stoplight turns green before I brake.
10. Watching bloopers.
11. Finally seeing the car that's coming to pick me up. 
12. Vacuum lines.
13. The feeling of fresh shaved legs on soft sheets.
14. Having a contest of hiding a hideous stuffed glove that is decorated like Santa with my dad...found it hidden in my laptop a while ago. It is now currently on his shower rack waiting to greet him with those creepy bobble eye stickers at 5:30 A.M...I win today, he just has no idea yet.
15. Getting to spend a lot of time with my favorite four littles...they are fun, adorable, challenging, exhausting, and an amazing reminder of how patient Christ is with me, because of the amount of patients and love I need to have towards them. Endless questions, broken things, little arguments, messes, and fits...I have these issues with Christ every day, and He doesn't lose his patients with me...what a gift!