May 14, 2012

Monday letteres.

Dear self,
I'm in no hurry, but really? I'm ready to see my future magically.

Dear jokes I tell,
I don't see how I'm the only one who laughs at matter what people say, you're really funny.

Dear bright green apples,
I'm obsessed with you.

Dear school,
I can't even wait until you're over...forever...two more years, one more semester, and nine more days...but as of now I'm really just excited right now for the nine more days.

Dear belly button ring,
Thank you so much for healing already! It no longer feels like I have barbed wire shoved in my stomach when I do something so simple as just breathing. 

Dear skin,
I like that you're getting tan and it's not even July!

Dear sleep,
PLEASE come back?! Where in the world has this come from?

Dear Wednesday,
I'm glad you're my Fridays and I'm stoked for you! 

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