Dear eyes,
I wish you would stop changing and getting worse...It sucks when I can't see anymore and have to wait until April to fix it.
Dear body,
Why did you wake up an hour before you had to? Really...I could have slept in!
Dear weather,
I'm excited it's freezing, but maybe some clouds could come out too?
Dear school,
I. am. over. you. I cannot tell you how great it will be to take almost a seven week break from you.
Dear mom,
Thank you for calling me this morning even though I was sleeping to tell me you loved me...and thank you for leaving Jesus Calling on the counter...even if it was unintentional, I needed to read today's.
Dear December,
I like you a whole lot...I like your lights, trees, smells, colors, etc.
Dear boyfriend,
Thank you for doing a good job reminding me I'm important. I like you.
Dear feet,
I'm thankful that I can use both of you again!
Dear Anthropology website,
You're fun to dream on.
Dear weekend,
I can see you peekin' right around the corner, hurry up!
Happy Wednesday!