June 24, 2011

Long week

It's been a crazy long week...feels like a years gone by in just five little days. 

AND now, I'm having some much needed introverted time with my laptop, Ugly Betty, and Pinterest. 
Speaking of pinterest I might just be...obsessed with it.
Okay not maybe...for sure! 
This made me so happy. I want a baby. Just not yet. Oh well, something to look forward to! 
Have a great weekend!

June 23, 2011

Thursday thoughts

I think I want a big tree when I grow up to decorate it like this..

I think I want to live on this front porch forever with a huge stack of good books and sweet tea..

I think I want a yellow kitchen with a bay window..

I think I wish I had her face..

I think I'd live here..
The end

June 21, 2011


Sunday night Candace and I left on an airplane to see our older sister Amanda down in L.A.
I never really realize how much I miss us all being together until we are again. 
So far it's been great, but at the same time I keep thinking that this is probably the last time we'll be together like this until we're much older. Candace leaves for college soon, and Amanda will come home...at least I'm not all by myself, but I wish they would be home at the same time. 
I love you, sisters!

June 19, 2011

Daddy's day.

I can honestly tell you my dad is one of my favorite people in the whole world. If nothing else, I've inhabited completely my sense of humor from him. Sometimes there are times when only him and I are laughing at his jokes and everyone else is either...well, mad...or just not tickled at all. Those are the time's I think I'm going to really remember when I grow up. Happy Fathers day and Birthday dad! I love you more than you know.

June 16, 2011

The whole world..

Sometimes I wish that I could stay 17 forever (okay maybe get to 18 so I'm a legal adult) and do absolutely nothing with my life but anything I wanted, whenever I wanted. Like a never ending summer. I wish I could have an endless amount of cash, so I could go anywhere I wanted and explore this crazy world the He is holding in his hands. I want to see everything. I want to have crazy adventures. I want to go here, and fall in love when I'm here, and swim in this. I want to climb this and these. I want to come back from these crazy adventures with brilliant stories and breath taking pictures like this one.
Ahh, to dream.
P.s. all pictures from http://pinterest.com/ I'm addicted to this site for sure.

June 15, 2011

It's June, not November

So it’s June. Once upon a time, LAST June I participated in a Mission trip to Haiti. It really doesn’t seem like a year ago (it’s so weird how as I get older time seems to move much faster!) Anyways, I was thinking about last year’s trip and found myself wishing I could go back this year. That trip had a lot of bumps in the road but it was still really impactful. One thing that was insanely impactful was the amount of poverty and trash in Haiti. It’s actually the most beautiful place I’ve ever been. How can a tropical climate not be breath taking though? In my High School days I’ve been on three Mission trips down to Tijuana Mexico. The poverty is heartbreaking there as well, but it really doesn’t even compare to Haiti. One thing I realized on that trip to Haiti was how the attitude I was used to living with was over 100% ungrateful. I got a hard smack of reality and a complete refreshed attitude on being thankful. I find myself lately, remembering my trip last summer, saying super quick and small prayers saying thank you for anything…really, I mean anything. Long showers, clean laundry, locks on my front door, paved roads, even the construction workers who close lanes on the freeway and make it impossible to get to school on time,  clean smelling air, my parents, school, electricity, and small bugs. 
People who had gone on longer mission trips before me said that this “always, all the time, thankful” attitude would fade…for me it half stayed. It's so hard not to get caught up in your own "problems" in life, but I've done my best to try and keep my thankful spirit up. It’s not easy because I’m selfish and I blow it. I’m going to try having a really thankful attitude every day…even if it’s not November yet! 
P.s...I'm excited for thanksgiving! 

June 13, 2011

Summer happy list

1. Not having an agenda.
2. Sleeping in.
3. The beach.
4. Waking up to birds singing. 
5. Lazy days.
6. Naps.
7. Adventures.
8. Strawberries and watermelon.
9. Anticipation for fall...and Christmas!
10. Peach flavored green tea.
11. Summer dresses...with out leggings!
12. Not having to wear two pairs of socks.
13. Big sunglasses.
14. Being barefoot.
15. Swimming!

June 09, 2011

1, 2, 3, 4...

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday...
Four days of summer so far...gone!
I have done absolutely nothing...except nap. I don't know why I'm so tired all the time.
I think it's lack of stress.
I love napping, but can't keep this up! 
P.S...how amazing would it be to nap there? I think I'd get super distracted.

June 08, 2011

I need

To make this for my boyfriend...and brother.
Have a great Wednesday!

June 06, 2011


This weekend has been crazy and definitely one to remember. 
Friday I had two graduation parties to juggle, Saturday was my graduation in Fresno, and Sunday was mine and my two "brothers" graduation party. I've known Andy and Spencer for years and years and love them both dearly. I'm so glad we got to share our party and also a big part of our lives together. Now that it's all over and officially my FIRST day of summer!! I have no idea what to do with myself. I'll figure it out.
Here's just a fraction of the photos taken this weekend. 

June 01, 2011


Sometimes I put tea in the mircowave with no water in the cup.

Sometimes I set off the smoke alarm when I'm making my sister and I sandwiches.

Sometimes I cry for no reason.

Sometimes I stub my toe and cuss out loud.

Sometimes I feel like never cleaning my room again since it just gets dirty again. (Yeah right, that will never happen.)

Sometimes I get mad, and take it out on my punching bag.

Sometimes I get upset at the lamest things like stepping on a wet floor after I JUST put socks on!

All the time, I'm insanely imperfect. All the time, I have a God who love my imperfections who IS perfect. If that doesn't give me hope, then nothing will.