So it’s June. Once upon a time, LAST June I participated in a Mission trip to Haiti. It really doesn’t seem like a year ago (it’s so weird how as I get older time seems to move much faster!) Anyways, I was thinking about last year’s trip and found myself wishing I could go back this year. That trip had a lot of bumps in the road but it was still really impactful. One thing that was insanely impactful was the amount of poverty and trash in Haiti. It’s actually the most beautiful place I’ve ever been. How can a tropical climate not be breath taking though? In my High School days I’ve been on three Mission trips down to Tijuana Mexico. The poverty is heartbreaking there as well, but it really doesn’t even compare to Haiti. One thing I realized on that trip to Haiti was how the attitude I was used to living with was over 100% ungrateful. I got a hard smack of reality and a complete refreshed attitude on being thankful. I find myself lately, remembering my trip last summer, saying super quick and small prayers saying thank you for anything…really, I mean anything. Long showers, clean laundry, locks on my front door, paved roads, even the construction workers who close lanes on the freeway and make it impossible to get to school on time, clean smelling air, my parents, school, electricity, and small bugs.
People who had gone on longer mission trips before me said that this “always, all the time, thankful” attitude would fade…for me it half stayed. It's so hard not to get caught up in your own "problems" in life, but I've done my best to try and keep my thankful spirit up. It’s not easy because I’m selfish and I blow it. I’m going to try having a really thankful attitude every day…even if it’s not November yet!
P.s...I'm excited for thanksgiving!